Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring has sprung, but it's still got something up it's sleave

The earth signs are changing and spring is so close everyone is getting restless. How it comes in Ohio is interesting. It's either warming or going to be cold again this year. Never a constant state of spring, not yet at least.
I just wish there was something to pass the time before the garden can be planted. I spend my time starting seeds inside and eagerly awaiting permanent warmth. I hope to pass time quicker by watching seedlings grow in my kitchen window and I check them about ever 3 hours.
....I know, my life's so tough isn't it

Even Winston is growing impatiant, I can tell. He likes to go outside on the warm days and when the cold days return he forgets about them and asks to be taken out only to turn around three paces off the last step.
Cassie is finding it hard to motivate herself to do anything on the cold days. I would have to agree with her, it's so much easier to do stuff when all the windows are open and a warm breeze flows through the house.
It's so interesting to me to think about how I naturally personify air movement just because it's spring air. >.<

My curiosity is out in full force, worse then normal. Anything I don't know how to do I look up on the internet. I'm striving to be in a state of constant learning. If I was honest I would say that I miss the challenge of it.
I'm in a season of self discovery right now, and I'm changing more every day. I'm finding who I am on my own. I look at people from my past and miss the ideas they represented, but not them. I enjoy the high that only hard work can bring. I live in a pattern of hunger for more knowledge. I'm setteling into my life of constant companionship, and love it. She is always there to make lunch when I spend an entire day reviving an old vegitable garden. We spend alot of time just sitting and talking, and i'm secertly trying to memorize everything about everymoment. My mind is always filled with "how do you do *blank*" or "I don't want to forget how this moment feels". It's an eb and flow, a constant tide of one giving way to the other.
All in all, it's a good place to be.

From here on out I'm not sure where this state of being is going to take me. I have an ever tugging desire to do something in this world, something bigger then just me. I'm finding selflessness in alot of places. Giving up figurative ground for the sake of goodness. I'm facinated by things like monks and personal spirituality. More specificly Trascendentalism.
I worry about myself though, I don't like the idea of self importance. We have been down that road before, and it led to places I'm glad I'm not anymore. I really like to focus on the connection with the world around me though, and specificly finding my place in it's movements.

Thats the thing about my life though, it's always changing. I enjoy the changes, the pick ups and goes and the sits and waits. Never during, but only after. For now I'll sit and wait to see what comes to pass and be content with learning everything I don't allready know. This may just become my lifes passion, and that would be ok with me.

Everybody is waiting for something.

I'm frustrated, angry even.
I'm feeling lost in a world that spins around me
Always wishing for more
it's my human condition

All hope for humanity is left inside the words of
"wait and see"
My microcosm isn't important in the big picture
I hope to remember that

These days are cold
but not dark

I will survive