Tuesday, January 6, 2009

May be time to revive this old horse

Well, I have the urge to start a new blog, but I think instead of starting a new blog I'll just revive all of this, and start from here.

It's 2009, and we now live in our very own house! This house is AWESOME, over 100 years old, solid as a rock, and has the original hardwood floors! It's the original parish house, and part of the very first houses ever built in Trenton. The church us to be across the street, though it's long gone now. It's really too bad to, I would love to have an old church right here.
I also am going back to school, I would love to have an ag in plant breeding degree, but there isn't a school anywhere close to here that offers that. I have my eye on two classes that miami offers localy though, and that is enough to get me through a year. I'm hoping that a lot can change in a year, so lets just keep our fingers crossed.
I have been trading seeds online so I'm going to have some pretty awesome gardens this year....right after I build the raise beds :)

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